Main Office
Registration LINK for New to District Students
Student Records Request LINK for Former Students
Early Dismissals
All students are expected to attend school for the entire day. When students leave early, they miss vital information that is necessary for their academic success. When it is necessary to pick up a child due to medical reasons, students must be officially signed out from the Main Office. Please consider the following reminders for Early Dismissals:
If your child needs an early dismissal, they need to bring a note the morning of the dismissal to the main office. We will accept any doctor, dentist or court note. If there are other reasons for your child to miss school, you can handwrite a note with the child’s name, reason and your contact phone number so we can verify it matches in our system to approve the early dismissal. We understand that some appointments can’t be scheduled after school but we are asking if that is an option, please schedule it so your child’s school time is not interrupted.
Students may not be picked up from their classrooms. The secretary will contact the classroom teacher informing them of the dismissal. Students will be signed out in the main office.
Telephone calls for early dismissals cannot be honored.
Due to school district policy, no early dismissal will be granted after 2:00 except for extenuating circumstances.
PROPER IDENTIFICATION MUST BE GIVEN (STATE ID) and you must be listed on the student’s contact information.
Last modified: September 23, 2024